The furor coming out of last Thursday’s Republican debate serves to highlight to larger problem we have. Too much focus on Political Correctness and not enough on recognizing the multitude of serious, deadly issues that confront our nation. This obsession with the “tempest in a teapot”  completely ignores the downward spiral of our civilization.

Let’s look at it from the simplest of terms. Donald Trump had a problem with the nature of a question asked by Megyn Kelly and voiced his displeasure. I’ve watched Ms. Kelly for a number of years and I have no doubt she can defend herself.  What we see now is a number of Republican contenders lining up to denounce Mr. Trump. As far as I can tell, most are doing it to score points with the Political Correctness crowd. It seems they would much rather talk about Trump and how he doesn’t fit the political mold than to engage in a discussion of the tremendous problems we face.


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