Uncle Sam I Want You - Poster

One of the first things they teach you as a lifeguard is to beware of the person you are attempting to save. A drowning man will do anything to save his life, even it it kills the both of you.

Well, Uncle Sam is drowning in $15+ trillion in debt and is casting about to and fro for any handhold that may save him. Step forward the $18 trillion currently in 401 (k) funds across the land. The democrats in Congress and the O’Bama administration are exploring the possibilities that will allow the IRS to “skim” a little bit of the money for poor, old Uncle Sam.

More of the same:

After all, we need to get the debt under control don’t we? And we certainly can’t reduce spending with the draconian cuts the Republicans are wanting…. All that money lying around. It’s only FAIR.

Empty Wallet - Feds Takes It All

Feds Take It All

It never ceases to amaze me. Like small children, they keep dipping into the cookie jar and seem surprised when there are no cookies left. The next time you reach into your back pocket, you’ll probably shake hands with the Federal Government.


Uncle Sam’s Nest Egg

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