The recent series of undercover videos have revealed a disturbing activity undertaken by the Planned Parenthood organization. The selling of the body parts of the unborn as a “legitimate”funding stream should make all of us reconsider the path our Nation is following. As a people, how barbaric have we become?

some defenders of Planned Parenthood attempt to divert blame to the organization that captured the undercover video. How lame can you get? They tell us “don’t believe your eyes and your ears.”

Others point to the good that Planned Parenthood does. All that proves is that no one, no matter how evil or depraved, is completely evil in every aspect of their life.

And finally, the defenders point out that the object of the harvest is not a baby but just some fetal mass. But that fetal mass could only develop  into a baby; not an orange, banana or tree. If the DNA was tested and the evidence presented in a court of law, the witness would have to state that it was human DNA.

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